The #1 Best Way to Fight Anxiety, New Study Says

Even those who've been living with chronic anxiety for a decade reported significant relief by doing this.

This Is the Most Stressful State in the U.S., New Data Says

From expensive housing to high levels of noise, this one state fares poorly when it comes to stress.

This Common Issue Is Making You Anti-Social, New Study Says

Research out of Dartmouth shows that this problem may make you shun people for up to two full days.

The #1 Best Exercise for Fighting Stress, Says Science

Try this full-body workout to improve both your physical and mental health.

This Is What Stress Does to Elite Athletes' Bodies, Say Experts

And how practice can help athletes react better under pressure.

Best Supplements To Take When Stressed, According to Dietitians

These stress-relieving supplements can help you feel like yourself again.

Secret Side Effects of Walking on the Beach, Says Science

Here's why propelling your feet and legs through sand does wonders for your body.

Making This One Hand Gesture Instantly Relaxes Your Body, Says Expert

A Japanese "vocal technique researcher" says this is instant stress relief. But does it actually work?

One Ugly Side Effect of Reading Too Much News, Warns Top Psychiatrist

How "doomscrolling" can actually damage your body and produce profound feelings of numbness.