You Would Never Think This Habit Could Sharpen Your Brain, But Science Is Saying Yes

A new study finds this unsuspecting habit is actually good for cognition and memory among older adults.

Warning Signs Your Liver Is Failing, Say Experts

If you're experiencing these symptoms, it's time to contact a medical professional.

The #1 Best Supplement For Your Brain, According to a Doctor

Getting the right amount of certain key "neuro-nutrients" may improve the way you think and feel.

New Study Reveals a Huge Side Effect of Walking More

You may not get it from other workouts, either.

One Surprising Reason You Can't Say No to Junk Food, According to Science

If you're struggling to choose healthy foods, it may be more than just your willpower at play.

Diet Habits That Are Increasing Your Risk of Stroke, According to Science

Consider dropping these habits if you want to protect your brain.