10 New Sodas In 2023—and Which Ones You Should and Shouldn't Drink

The bubbly new beverages not only tickle our taste buds—in some cases, they may support our health, too.

Is Olive Oil Good for You? 10 Benefits of Eating It

Though rich in fat, the benefits of eating olive oil may just outweigh the impact of the side effects.

8 Science-Backed Benefits of Eating Cucumbers

Eating cukes do a lot more for your body than you may even realize!

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink a Gallon of Water Every Day

Is drinking a gallon of water per day too much? Here's what dietitians think.

Are Cashews Good for You? 12 Science-Backed Effects of Eating Them

Rich in vitamins and nutrients, find out what can happen to your body when you eat cashews.

What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Red Meat Every Day

If you enjoy eating red meat daily, here's how this habit may impact your health.

Are Smoothies Actually Healthy? Dietitians Discuss the Pros and Cons

Here's how to make sure your smoothie is healthful, not harmful. 

Is Canned Tuna Healthy? 5 Side Effects of Eating It

Fish is full of helpful vitamins and nutrients, but is eating canned tuna healthy, or is it too risky?

7 Worst Things to Order at a Sandwich Shop, According to Dietitians

Skip these unhealthy orders the next time you're ordering a sandwich, sub, or hoagie.

Are Olives Good for You? Here's What the Science Says

Are olives good for you? Learn the possible benefits of eating this pitted fruit.