8 Eating Habits To Slow Brain Aging, Says Nutritional Psychiatrist

A menu promoting cognitive health courtesy of a nutritional psychiatrist from Harvard Medical School

This Supplement May Improve Cognitive Function as You Age, New Study Says

This popular supplement isn't known for its cognitive support, but a new study suggests there may be a positive correlation.

The One Nutrient You Are Probably Missing for Brain Health (and Foods That Have It)

Keep your brain sharp by including these foods into your every day diet.

The #1 Best Fruit To Keep Your Brain Young, Says Dietitian

Research supports the positive effect that berries have on memory and overall brain function.

These Are the Most Effective Exercises To Keep Your Brain Young, MD Says

An expert reveals everything you need to know about keeping your brain in tip-top shape.

The #1 Best Eating Habit To Prevent Alzheimer's Disease, New Study Suggests

New data suggests a connection between gut health and the risk of developing Alzheimer's.

The Worst Drinking Habit Aging Your Brain Faster, New Study Finds

Despite what you may have heard in the past, results of this recent study show the dangerous effects of drinking alcohol on your brain.

The #1 Best Nut To Keep Your Brain Sharp, Says Dietitian

Including any type of nut in your diet can support brain health, but this nut in particular reigns supreme.