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Chinese Restaurant Dishes Not Eaten In China

These popular dishes just aren't all that authentic.

The 10 Worst Foods to Buy in Bulk Right Now

Unless you don't mind throwing away money, some foods are better bought in small batches.

26 Healthy Breakfast Habits For Weight Loss

Jumpstart your day and your weight loss with these simple breakfast hacks.

Things To Do Before Bed to Lose Weight

Drop pounds and lose belly fat with the help of these simple nighttime hacks.

30 Best Breakfast Habits to Drop 5 Pounds

People claim it's the most important meal of the day. We say there's a lot more to it.

These Foods Helps Prevent Gray Hair

Stock up on these to keep your hair the color you want!

17 Best Foods To Stop Hair Loss

These foods will help keep hair healthy and full.

13 Evidence-Based Benefits of Coconut Oil

What's all the buzz about? Can coconut oil really help you lose weight and improve your health?

What Happens When You Stop Eating Meat

We've compiled a list of science-backed results that will happen to your body when you cut out meat and eat more plants.

9 Reasons Why You Need to Eat Walnuts Today

Sleep better, relax, lose weight and more—you'd be nuts to ignore the latest studies about walnuts and walnut oil.!

27 Foods That Kill Your Sex Drive

If you or your partner isn't in the mood tonight, it very well might be because of something you ate.

20 Weight Loss Tips for Night Shift Workers

Because not everyone who wants to lose weight works from 9 to 5.

27 Things a Juice Cleanse Does to Your Body

Thinking about doing a juice cleanse for an instant detox? Finding out what to expect is your first step.

10 Surprising Things Mint Does to Your Body

Mint juleps. Mint chocolate desserts. Mint tea. Mint detox water. The easy-to-grow herb has so many uses for food and drink—but its health benefits deserve some love, too.

25 Foods That Make You Instantly Sexier

The foods you choose can influence, uh, certain physical aspects of your bedroom life. And we're not talking about love handles here.

The 14 Best & Worst Weight-Loss Paleo Foods

In case you've been living under a rock, the trendy paleo diet is a way of eating that harkens back to the time when people lived under rocks.

Foods That Make Men More Sexually Attractive

These foods help boost your pheromones and sex appeal.

Get the Benefits of a Vegan Diet — Without Going Vegan!

"Wanna try out that new vegan restaurant?" If you don't follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, your answer will probably be less than enthusiastic, if not obscene.

8 Best Foods for Your Sperm

Ever look around at our planet and think, "This place could really use more people"? If you're ready to roll up your sleeves and take on the job, you're going to need the healthy sperm required to start the process.

7 Best Foods for Your Orgasm

The keys to ecstasy may be in your pantry.

8 Simple Rules for Guilt-Free Cheat Meals

Anyone who's adhered to a healthy-eating plan knows that sometimes it can be a mind-bending challenge. But allowing yourself occasional indulgent "cheat meals" can make it much more palatable.