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17 Best Ab Exercises for Visible Results

Sculpt strong, visible abs with these recommended exercises from fitness pros.

Ugly Dangers of Eating Spicy Foods

Adding some kick to your food can be really healthy. But here are some notable risks.

Ugly Side Effects of Eating French Fries

Your favorite greasy side impacts your brain, weight, immune system, and even your lifespan.

5 Foods You Should Never Eat If You Want to Live to 100

From processed meats to high fructose corn syrup, these are all the items linked to early death.

Small Ways You're Taking Years Off Your Life

These are the lifestyle decisions you'd be wise to avoid.

The Secret Way Sitting Can Extend Your Life

How the world's longest living people sit differently than most of us do—and what we can do about it.

Ugly Side Effects of Not Exercising at All

If you've chosen sitting over exercising, you can expect some consequences, say health experts.

How Heavy Your Lifts Should Be, Says Trainer

If you're strength training (and, for the record, you should be), here's how big your weights should be.

Secret Exercise Tricks for a Slimmer Body

Yes, you need to lift weights. But that's not all you should be doing, say top trainers.

Secret Side Effect of Exercising for 1 Minute

Yet another study extols the big benefits of small amounts of exercise.

Over 50? This Is the Best Workout for You

One fitness pro explains why you should focus on the hips and core in your 50s.

Secret Tricks for Keeping in Shape After 60

You know that you need to exercise. Trying these motivational tricks will help you stick to your goals.

Slim Down With This 25-Minute Walking Workout

Here's how to walk your way to a fitter, healthier body.

Secret Tricks for a Happier Life After 60

Fact: It's never too late to start making small but meaningful changes to your life.

Stability-Enhancing Exercises for People Over 60

Great stability exercises that will enhance your balance—and quality of life.

Exercises You Shouldn’t Do Anymore After 60

Well, no exercises are "off-limits." But here are some you'd be wise to avoid, say trainers.

The Secret Trick for Getting a Lean Body

Never overlook the outsize importance of the right mindset, say experts.

Exercises You Should Never Skip After 60

Do these moves weekly for a longer, healthier, more active, and more flexible life.

One Huge Side Effect of Exercising in Your 20s

New research shows how moderate exercise can stop your alcohol cravings.

Morning Exercises You Should Skip After 60

How to start your day wrong, according to top trainers.

Secret Tricks for Getting Yourself to Exercise

Here are 5 proven ways to force yourself to lace up and get moving.

Never Make These Post-Exercise Mistakes

Here's your new go-to, post-workout checklist.

This Is the #1 Most Deadly Cosmetic Surgery

Why the "Brazilian Butt Lift" is surging in popularity thanks to social media.

Don't Make This Error While Lifting Weights

How you breathe can make all the difference to your performance.

Secret Side Effects of Playing Golf

Here's why fitness professionals are now extolling the benefits of walking 18 holes.

The Worst Thing You Can Do if You're Sore

Plus: The right way to recover from strenuous workouts.

The Crazy Calorie Burn of Playing Video Games

Evidently, playing FIFA comes with a calorie burn that's on par with legit exercise.

The Most Overlooked Lean-Body Exercise

The secret trick for engaging your abs more every day.

One Secret Side Effect of Lifting Weights

Yes, pumping iron helps your muscles. But it also does wonders for your brain.