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The Secret Trick for Getting Fit in Seconds

Researchers reveal the benefits of going all-out for just 4 seconds at a time.

One Side Effect of Lifting Heavier Weights

When it comes to gaining strength, a new study shows why all lifting isn't created equal.

Never Take a Shower That’s This Long

Do you love to camp out in a hot shower? Here's when to throw in the towel.

One Secret Side Effect of Stretching More

One psychiatrist reveals how stretching more helps you become more connected to others.

One Walking Mistake You Shouldn’t Make

Knowing proper stride length could save you from injury down the road.

One Side Effect of Stretching Before Exercise

Here's why static-stretching is best done after a workout—not before.

Never Skip These Things After Exercising

Just hit the gym? Here's your ultimate post-workout checklist.

One Retro 90s Exercise Craze That's Coming Back

Thanks to YouTube, Billy Blanks—and his invention Tae Bo—is mounting a comeback.

These Exercises Reduce Your Risk of Disease

New research shows a life-altering benefit of combining strength training and aerobic exercises.

Ugly Side Effects of Not Stretching After Exercise

Too many exercisers ignore the post-workout cool-down. Here's why they shouldn't .

One Mental Health Trick You Always Do

Need instant pick-me-up? Here's why you should spend 20-30 minutes walking in a wooded area every day.

Never Skip This Exercise As You Get Older

The real reasons why fitness experts are screaming for you to embrace the weight room as you age..

Man Drops 100 Pounds Using This One Fitness App

One popular trainer and YouTuber explains how he used MyFitnessPal to reach his body goals.

Side Effects of Not Showering After Exercise

Despite what anti-bathers may tell you, here's why you should always hit the showers after sweating.

Exercise Tricks for Slimming Down Your Body

Looking to get lean and strong? Try these tips, straight from experienced fitness pros.

Side Effects of Exercising 7 Minutes a Day

You can get some big benefits if you do it right.

This Is Best City in America for Walking

According to one company, this Florida city stands apart for its pedestrian friendliness.

One Life-Altering Effect of Group Exercise

How moderate-intensity exercise with a group can rewire your brain and erase feelings of depression.

The Trick for Getting Fit As Fast As Possible

Don't have much time to lift? Researchers have a new, lightning-fast workout routine for you.

4 Things to Do for a Lean, Fit Body

Follow this tips for maintaining lean muscle mass, improving strength, and burning fat.

The Best Exercise for Reshaping Your Body

What to lean up, bulk up, or lose fat in unwanted areas? Experts say there's one way to go.

Do This Morning Workout to Torch Calories

Here's why experts say you should crank the tunes—and get dancing—early in the morning.

The Secret to Getting a Lean Body for Good

It takes your body a long time to adjust to new habits—so don't beat yourself up when you fail.

Doing This Exercise Adds Years to Your Life

Researchers say that consistent cycling is associated with a dramatically lower risk of death over time.

Ways Walking Secretly Extends Your Life

When you take more brisk walks, here are some amazing things that happen to your body.

One Thing Runners Do That Leads to Injury

If you love running, don't make this common mechanical mistake that leads to pain.

Secret Side Effects of Walking on the Beach

Here's why propelling your feet and legs through sand does wonders for your body.

The Effect of Exercising 20 Minutes Per Week

New research says regular exercise can help slow the progression to Alzheimer's disease.

Exercising at Home? Never Make These Mistakes

How to make your home gym a safe and effective space for reaching your fitness goals.

The Hand Gesture That May Relax Your Body

A Japanese "vocal technique researcher" says this is instant stress relief. But does it actually work?