The #1 Worst Breakfast Habit Aging Your Brain Faster

Steering clear of this will help your cognitive health.

The #1 Worst Eating Habit for Memory Loss

If you're a typical American, you may be eating to forget.

4 Best Eating Habits for a Sharper Memory, Say Dietitians

These subtle changes to your diet may help keep your brain young.

The #1 Best Fruit To Keep Your Brain Young, Says Dietitian

Research supports the positive effect that berries have on memory and overall brain function.

4 Best Vegetables to Keep Your Brain Young, Says Dietitian

Include these vegetable varieties in your meals for a sharper noggin!

The #1 Best Nut To Keep Your Brain Sharp, Says Dietitian

Including any type of nut in your diet can support brain health, but this nut in particular reigns supreme.

The #1 Best Snack to Keep Your Brain Sharp, Say Dietitians

These two superfoods make a powerful brain-boosting combo.

The #1 Best Fish to Keep Your Brain Sharp, Says Dietitian

Enjoy this fish twice a week for major benefits.

This Is the Worst Supplement for Your Brain, New Study Says

There's still much to learn about cognitive health.