Taking This Supplement Without Water Caused a 20-Year-Old to Have a Heart Attack

Experts call out "very significant concerns" about this trending TikTok challenge.

The One Protein Powder You Should Never Buy, Say Experts

There's one key detail to finding a healthy protein powder that you're probably not aware of.

Here's What Happens When You Combine Coffee With Your Protein Shake, According To Experts

Protein powder and cold brew is a trendy hack that's gaining steam, but there's something you should know.

Surprising Side Effects of Drinking Protein Shakes, Says Science

Are they as healthy as some claim? We look to the evidence.

One Major Side Effect of Drinking Protein Shakes, Says Science

Your quest to slim down may end up causing you to get fatter.

We Tasted 9 Protein Powders & This Was the Best

We sipped our way through nine different protein powder shakes to find the ones you'll actually want to try.

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Whey Protein Powder

Here we spell out the undesirable side effects you may experience.

Amazing Side Effects of Using Protein Powder, According to a Dietitian

There are countless benefits of this concentrated form of protein.

What Happens To Your Body When You Take Collagen Every Day

Here are 8 things you may experience when taking the supplement regularly.

11 Dangers of Eating Protein Powder Every Day, According to Dietitians

We've all been told to eat more protein to stay satisfied and build muscle, but there is such thing as too much of a good thing.