The #1 Best Time To Shop at Costco for No Crowds, Say Shoppers

A Costco membership is well worth the price when you consider how much money is saved by buying in bulk—but even diehard Costco fans admit the in-store experience can be stressful, especially during peak busy hours. It's not just the people blocking aisles while waiting for free samples, or the ones pushing palettes while not looking where they're going (RIP your ankles), but simply the sheer overwhelming amount of products on display. If the only time you can get to a Costco is 2pm on a Sunday there's not much anyone can do for you, but insiders know there are specific times where the parking is plentiful and the store isn't crowded.
One Costco Redditor posted a picture of a near-deserted parking lot, with the title, "Best time ever to shop! 7pm Monday night… About -17°F outside (before windchill). Northern Minnesota. Utterly deeeelightful." The poster also responded to someone who said they never go to Costco in the daytime. "All the free samples in the world can't get me in there before 5pm. And never a weekend!"

Another Redditor recommended timing Costco trips with big sports games: "Best time to go Costco … CFB national championship, Super Bowl, World Cup, World Series and Stanley cup game 7s." Another person commented to make sure they time it right. "Make sure to go after the game has started though. otherwise you're stuck in line with a bunch of people buying stuff last minute."
Another shopper recommended going close to closing time. "I love going during the week around 8pm, right before they close. No crowds, get right in and out and have the foot court all to yourself!"
Many other Costco members support the view that bad weather keeps shoppers away. One employee recommended not relying on late-night shopping for avoiding crowds. "Employee here, in my area these are actually busier times (I'd say 5 PM till close). Not as busy as a weekend ofc, but still can get crowded (and stores are usually staffed pretty lightly, so you might have to wait longer in line). I would say a Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday mid to late afternoon is prime shopping time if you don't want mad crowds."

Another Redditor confirmed the weekday afternoon option. "I was there on a random Wednesday at like 2:30 pm and it was a total different store! 1. If you just wanted to run through as fast as possible, it was perfect because there were so few people. 2. If you wanted to relax, enjoy yourself and walk up and down every aisle it was great cause again so few people!"
Location really does seem to make a difference—Costco members in Southern California and Texas say their stores are busy no matter what time of day it is. Google also has a very useful feature where you can see just how busy a store or restaurant is before you plan a trip.