Red Lobster Endless Shrimp Is Back—And This Time, There Are Secret Menu Options

The Red Lobster endless shrimp menu seems pretty straightforward. You pay $15.99 (or more if you're in Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, or Times Square) and get a neverending supply of shrimp. But did you know that there's a Red Lobster secret menu—and specifically, an endless shrimp secret menu? It turns out, there is—and we have the inside info.
Starting today, Red Lobster customers can order Nashville Hot Shrimp as part of the endless shrimp deal. Like Nashville hot chicken, the new shrimp offering is cooked with a "sweet and spicy rub" and finished off with honey, according to the chain.
What's on the secret menu for the Red Lobster endless shrimp promotion?
Not into the spicier flavor? There are three more "secret menu" options for the endless shrimp lineup, too. In addition to the Nashville hot shrimp option, shrimp lovers can order the following:
- Crunchy Popcorn Shrimp
- Coconut Shrimp Bites
- Garlic-Grilled Shrimp Skewers
So if you're craving a nostalgic food like popcorn shrimp, or you want to pretend your trip to Red Lobster is a mini-vacation with coconut shrimp, you can do it. With all of the new options, you'll have trouble deciding which to try first!
What's on the Red Lobster endless shrimp menu?
Of course, here are the other (non-secret) options on the Red Lobster endless shrimp menu:
- Garlic Shrimp Scampi
- Shrimp Linguini Alfredo
- Hand-breaded Shrimp
- Crispy Sriracha Honey Shrimp
- Teriyaki Grilled Shrimp
In addition to the shrimp dishes, an endless shrimp order will get you a side dish and a salad. And that's in addition to the fact that it comes with as many of the chain's legendary Cheddar Bay Biscuits as you can handle. You can even upgrade your side dish to a baked potato or mashed potatoes made with Creamy Langostino and Norway Lobster. (So if you're bummed that the endless shrimp promotion doesn't come with the titular lobster, you can still have a little bit of lobster with your meal.)
With a full nine options on the new and improved Red Lobster endless shrimp menu, you'll never get bored of the seafood dish. And depending on how hungry you are, you can try multiple shrimp varieties within the same meal.