Coffee Drinker Shares "Sneaky" Trick to Get Iced Java for Half Price

Coffee prices are reaching a 50-year high thanks to a combination of inflation and climate issues in places like Brazil, which ships out 39% of the world's coffee supply. All of this trickles down to your local coffee shop, and results in you spending increasingly ridiculous amounts for a latte. While some people are simply opting to make coffee at home, others have developed clever hacks to get their coffee shop fix without breaking the bank.
TikToker @contentbyzara recently shared a trick to get two double iced oat lattes for $8—simply take along two jars, one filled with ice, one filled with oat milk, and order two double espressos at the cafe. Divide the milk and ice into the two jars, add the espresso, and you have two lattes for a fraction of the price they would normally cost. When asked in the comments why she didn't just buy an espresso machine, Zara responded, "I have one but ran out of beans 🤣😭 And sometimes it's nice to go for a walk and get espresso that's different to mine."
The comments to her TikTok video were full of impressed coffee fans who can't wait to try the hack for themselves. "This is so smart. Can't wait for summer to get here now 😍," one said. "YUM this is such a good idea!!" another commented, and Zara responded, "Coffee these days are spennyyyyy [Aussie/UK slang for expensive] 😂."
"I've done this sooo many times 🤪 love @Sol Cleanse cups too," another approving TikToker commented. "Literally !! Have no shame 🤣 same lol use them for everything," Zara responded.
Another commenter thought $8 was still too expensive. "Did you bring the milk yourself? and still paid $8?? that's a rip off," they said. "Double shot of coffee is $4 each xx if you live on the Gold Coast you would know 😂 an average iced oat latte w/ honey is anywhere from $8 to $11 sometimes! So yes my partner and I bought our on milk and ordered double shots each 🥰🥰," Zare explained.
Iced coffees tend to be more expensive than hot for several reasons, one of them being larger cups used. "The average coffee is about eight ounces and your iced lattes are getting to around the 12–16-ounce mark, so you're probably getting a little bit more milk in the cup," Cafe Culture Magazine managing director Sean Edwards tells Australian Broadcasting Corporation. "As a barista, you're making coffee after coffee on the espresso machine and then all of a sudden, you've got to desert it and go to the ice machine, get some ice and a cup, some cold brew or shoot a shot. You're probably going to be charged a bit of a premium for slowing things a bit."