The Best Fast-food Items to Order if You Have High Blood Sugar

Whether you have diabetes or prediabetes, the choices you make at the fast-food drive-thru can help you manage blood sugar levels.

7 Low-Sugar Dessert Recipes You'll Want To Try Today

You can consume less sugar and still eat your favorite sweets.

The Most Crucial Breakfast Habit for Your Blood Sugar

A dietitian says pairing these two nutrients can help you manage your blood glucose levels.

The 4 Best Coffee Creamers for High Blood Sugar

You can still enjoy a sweet and creamy cup of coffee and manage your blood sugar.

5 Worst Cereals for High Blood Sugar, Says Dietitian

If you want to manage your blood sugar, you'll want to avoid these sugary cereals.

Can You Eat Ice Cream if You Have High Blood Sugar?

Here's how you can still enjoy your favorite treat.

The 4 Worst Breakfast Habits for Blood Sugar According to Dietitians

They don't say "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" for no reason.

This Is the Best Eating Habit for Type 2 Diabetes, New Study Says

There is no cure for diabetes, but new research suggests it's all about timing.

The #1 Best Snack for Blood Sugar, Says Dietitian

Keep your blood glucose levels steady with this satiating combo.

5 Best Vegetables for Blood Sugar, Say Dietitians

These veggies are high in fiber and helpful nutrients.