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Personal Trainer-Approved Orders at Chick-fil-A

Summertime is no time to mess around with your diet–but with all the running around, it's also the hardest time to sit down for a proper meal.

10 Flat-Belly Summer Foods That Keep You Trim

Devouring fattening foods right before you hit the beach — after working so hard to get in shape — is a bit like washing and waxing your car before you drive it through the mud.

5 Healthy Lunches at KFC

Craving some good old fashioned KFC chicken? Go for it! There's no need to avoid the poultry chain just because you're trying to keep that summer figure in shape.

What 6 Diet Experts Order at Chick-fil-A

Maybe it was those adorable advertisements featuring cows holding "Eat Mor Chiken" signs that got you, or perhaps it was the smell of those waffle fries, but one way or another, you found yourself at Chick-fil-A with a grumbling stomach.

8 Tips for Low-Calorie Cocktails from Diet Experts

For every season there's a reason—to raise a glass. And we have some good news: You don't have to sacrifice your waistline to join in.

10 Expert-Approved Cheesecake Factory Orders

Sure, they make cheesecake, but they're probably most well known for their huge portions. Here's what to eat that won't give you a waistline to match.

Flatten Your Belly Without Diet or Exercise

This isn't an infomercial, folks! We know it might sound too good to be true—like those ads that come on in the middle of the night—but there really are ways to trim your tummy that don't require endless crunches or white-knuckling it through every craving.

This Is Why You Should Be Eating Chia Seeds

Chia seeds have a lot more power than you think!