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How Gal Gadot Got Into Wonder Woman Shape

As a wife and mother-of-two, this real-life Wonder Woman shares her tips and tricks to becoming super fit for her superhero role.

Starring as an Amazon princess is no easy feat, especially when you're pressured to get into the best shape of your life — fast! But, just like Wonder Woman set out to destroy Ares, Gal Gadot crushed her craziest fitness goals. The 5'10 Israeli actress had to pack on 15 pounds of lean muscle for her action-packed role, and she succeeded by following a specific diet plan and workout routine. We've got the latest scoop on how Gal stays fit, healthy, and sane! While you're getting inspired to makeover your own bod just in time for summer, find out Exactly How Olivia Munn Scorched 12 Pounds—Fast.

She Starts Her Day With A Smoothie

green spinach smoothie

Mom always said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that's exactly what Gal preaches to her two daughters! "I want to know that what [her 5-year-old, Alma] feeds her body does her good. We make smoothies in the morning with parsley, celery, green apples and ginger — basically, we throw in whatever we have," she told Marie Claire UK. "The perfect smoothie has a good mix of lean, vegetarian protein powder, healthy fats and fiber," says David Zinczenko, author of the new weight loss breakfast book Zero Belly Breakfasts.

She Eats Her Veggies at Key Times

avocado toast

The Israeli action star makes sure that a big chunk — about 30 to 40 percent — of her family's diet is made up of either cooked or raw vegetables. Adding a side of sauteed spinach to your meal or pregaming your dinner with greens is a solid way to fill up on the stuff like Gal does. If she's craving a midday snack, Gal goes for avocado toast and nutrient-dense fresh produce like tomatoes, peppers, and celery.

…And Protein, Too

grilled fish

Protein is a key nutrient for preserving muscle and keeping you satiated throughout the day, which is why Gal fills her plate with lean meats like fish and chicken. And just like the rest of us, she's a big fan of choline-packed eggs for breakfast! Choline, which is found in egg yolks, is a stellar fat-busting macronutrient that promotes a healthy metabolism, liver and nerve function, and energy levels.

She's Obsessed With HIIT

dumbbells weight lifting

In order to gain lean muscle for her role as Wonder Woman, the former member of the Israeli Defense Forces had to incorporate a bunch of different workouts to keep her body challenged. Her trainers added HIIT exercises such as boxing, as well as rowing, burpees, and weight lifting to her regimen. In fact, increasing muscle mass helps you burn more fat when you're resting — which is the perfect way to get in and stay in shape!

Cheat Days Are Her Secret To Staying Sane


Sticking to a diet of lean meats and quality produce sure does the body good, but sometimes the soul needs a little nourishment too. "I'm a foodie and I love to experience food, but at the same time I look at food as fuel and I want to give the best to my body. I don't restrict myself, I can eat everything," the former Miss Israel previously admitted to Harper's Bazaar. And she sure loves her occasional cheeseburger. "It's all a matter of measurements and quantity of the food. Just give the food the respect and give yourself the respect to enjoy it." Speaking of surprising strategies that melt fat fast, don't miss these 26 Most Overlooked Ways to Lose Weight.


April Benshosan, MS
April is a born-and-raised Brooklynite who has a passion for all things health, wellness, and tastebud-related. Read more about April