Low-Sugar Donuts from the Dunkin Donuts' Menu

But at Dunkin' Donuts, tasty, low-sugar pastries are menu mainstays—you just have to sail through the sea of nutrition stats to find them. To keep you eating well at the popular breakfast joint, we've tracked down the best low-sugar donuts for your waistline. This way you can grab one in a pinch without derailing your hard-earned weight loss wins.
All of the donuts below are under 300 calories and have 13 grams of sugar or less. Plus, they're all relatively low in fat compared to the other low-sugar options in the donut display—some of which pack a half a day's worth. (Yikes!) Stick with our picks and watch those extra pounds slowly—but surely—melt away.
Sugared Raised Donut
230 calories, 14 g fat, 6 g sat fat, 22 g carbs, 1 g fiber, 4 g sugar
Well, this is a shocker: The least sugar-laden donut on DD's menu has sugar in its name. But with just four grams of the sweet stuff a pop—what you'd find in two pieces of Juicy Fruit original gum—you'd be hard pressed to find a healthier sweet treat at Dunkin'—or any other coffee shop for that matter.
Cinnamon Guava Donut
250 calories, 14 g fat, 6 g sat fat, 28 g carbs, 1 g fiber, 8 g sugar
It's no surprise that this Guava-puree filled donut is light on sugar. The fruit itself doesn't carry much of the sweet stuff. Though this may not be the easiest variety to find—especially in small locations with less of a selection—it's worth a try if you can find it. It's not everyday you come across something as unusual—and tasty—as a Cinnamon Guava Donut.
Apple 'n Spice Donut
260 calories, 14 g fat, 6 g sat fat, 29 g carbs, 1 g fiber, 9 g sugar
This sugar-dusted donut provides the sweet and cozy flavors of fall—without undoing your summer body progress. Add a small iced skim latte to your order for a 300-calorie drive-thru breakfast you can feel good about ordering.
Bavarian Kreme Donut
270 calories, 15 g fat, 7 g sat fat, 31 g carbs, 1 g fiber, 9 g sugar
Though it's similar in taste to its chocolate-topped cousin from Boston, the Bavarian donut is dusted with powdered sugar instead of thick frosting, which keeps the sugar count low and cuts calories. Round out your breakfast with a banana—a fruit sold at most DD locations—for 100 additional calories and a hit of satiating fiber.
French Cruller
260 calories, 18 g fat, 9 g fat, 21 g carbs, 0 g fiber, 10 g sugar
This twisted cake-style donut is a Dunkin' classic—and, in terms of nutrition, one that's hard to beat. With just 260 calories and 10 grams of the sweet stuff, this will help you start your day off on the right foot. Pair it with a small cappuccino for an additional 80 calories and a bit of satiating protein.
Lemon Donut
260 calories, 15 g fat, 7 g sat fat, 29 g carbs, 1 g fiber, 10 g sugar
There's nothing more refreshing than a lemon-flavored pastry. The citrusy zing of this Dunkin' treat is sure to please your taste buds, and with just ten grams of sugar per pastry, it's bound to fit into any low-sugar diet plan.
Chocolate Frosted Donut
280 calories, 15 g fat, 7 g sat fat, 31 g carbs, 1 g fiber, 13 g sugar
Ah, the Chocolate Frosted Donut; it's a classic indulgence. And with a mere 13 grams of sugar, this is one treat that won't send your blood sugar soaring. Go ahead, dive into its cakey goodness guilt-free—we insist.