5 Hacks From People Who Lost Half Their Body Weight

All weight loss is inspiring, but imagine slicing the number you see on the scale in half. That's what we call extreme weight loss.
If you've always wanted to achieve such significant weight loss but have no idea where to start, your best bet is to go straight to the source. That's exactly why we corralled some sure-fire advice from some dedicated people who lost over half (!!) their body weight and feel better than ever. Whether you want to lose half your body weight or just start with 10 pounds, you can steal their advice and use it to fuel your own weight loss journey. Couple these motivational hacks with some of our 200 Best Weight Loss Tips and you'll be on your way to a slimmer—and healthier—you in no time.
Count Calories, But Don't Obsess

Starting Weight: 312 Pounds
Current Weight: 139 Pounds
Weight Lost: 173 Pounds
Losing half your body weight takes time. For Reddit User Denovosibi, it took three years to see the results she wanted. Counting calories using the MyFitnessPal app is what kept Denovosibi on track. She then gradually added exercise to her regimen while maintaining daily calorie quotas. "[The] biggest change was caring about and monitoring my intake. Counting calories did it all! Now I'm super active," she explains.
Don't Focus on the Word 'Diet'

Starting Weight: 309 Pounds
Current Weight: 149 Pounds
Weight Lost: 160 Pounds
Dolores Velez weighed 309 pounds and dropped to 149 by overhauling her habits rather than dieting for the short term. "It's a lifestyle change, so get rid of the word 'diet' and start with [your] goals," she says. Through Lose It!, a community-focused mobile app, Velez was able to hit her weight loss goal by tracking fitness and food intakes. The 60-year-old leaned on friends and talked out the hard times, but she never gave up on herself.
Pick a Non-Number Goal

Starting Weight: 279 Pounds
Current Weight: 129 Pounds
Weight Lost: 150 Pounds
Using Lose It!, Kate Viola waved goodbye to half her body weight, and one of the ways she did so was by stepping off the scale and setting personal goals that had nothing to do with numbers. Whether that means fitting into an old pair of jeans or feeling good at the beach for the first time in a while, having non-numerical goals to turn to when you miss the mark on the scale is a huge confidence boost. "When you hit a plateau (and you most certainly will) remember that goal and focus on that. Don't let plateaus stop you or derail you. Pretty much every person that is or is trying to lose weight has hit them, so stick to the plan and you will break through," Viola reassures.
Meal Prep & Add Weights to Your Workout

Starting Weight: 372 Pounds
Current Weight: 160 Pounds
Weight Lost: 212 Pounds
Half the battle of losing major weight involves coming to terms with how much work you will have to put in. For Reddit User Stillfat11, that meant trying and failing before she hit her stride and lost over 200 pounds in just two years. Making small adjustments to her diet helped her shed the first 20–50 pounds, after which she experienced newfound energy and confidence.
She cut down on carbs, kept her daily calorie intake between 1,600 and 1,900, meal prepped weekly, and started incorporating weights into her workout regimen. "I [go to the gym] 5–6 days a week now and have a trainer. I switch my program up every 8 weeks and go from heavy lifting to HIIT, circuits, and heavy cardio." Continue building muscle and dropping pounds beyond the weight rack by following up your workout with these 25 Best High-Protein Snacks.