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Gwyneth Paltrow's Top 10 Beauty Tips

So this is why Gwyneth's always glowing.

Gwyneth Paltrow is known for starring in hit films like Seven and Iron Man, but more recently, she's been making headlines for her beauty line — Goop — which aims to transform the personal care industry by offering products sans harmful ingredients. That means no toxic chemicals that can potentially cause cancer, hormone disruption, and skin irritation (parabens, phthalates, and PEGs are just a few offenders). In order to bring her "most requested and shared wellness content to life," Gwyneth kicked off In Goop Health, a daylong festival dedicated to exposing fellow goopers to avant-garde beauty and wellness activities, like aura photography and I.V. drips. So while the rest of us non-attendees ponder the festival's $500-$1500 price tag plus flight to Los Angeles, we can take Gwyneth's more practical tips on looking and feeling youthful. And for more star-inspired inspo, check out these 40 Best and Worst Celebrity Weight Loss Tips.

She Puts Coconut Oil On Everything

coconut oil

"I use coconut oil a lot. I do on my face, on my skin and in my cooking," the 44-year-old star revealed to E! News. "And I just started oil pulling, which is when you swish coconut oil around [in your mouth] for 20 minutes, and it's supposed to be great for oral health and making your teeth white." While the benefits of coconut oil seem endless, Gwyneth adds, "It's supposed to clear up your skin, as well."

She Gets Down And Dirty

boxing workout

"I definitely believe in exercise being an important part of your routine . . . I do boxing occasionally. I have a membership at a little boxing gym. It's pretty down and dirty," she told the New York Times. Frequency-wise, Gwyneth works out for about an a hour and a half five days a week, according to Harper's Bazaar, "but if I have something coming up I'll add an extra half hour."

Experimentation Is Key

honey bee

"I'm always the guinea pig to try everything. I've got to try them all. I love acupuncture . . . But generally, I'm open to anything. I've been stung by bees. It's a thousands-of-years-old treatment called apitherapy. People use it to get rid of inflammation and scarring," the movie star told the New York Times. Speaking of experimentation that works, have you tried these 17 Weird Things to Eat to Stay Healthy and Beautiful yet?

Detox, Detox, Detox


G.P. is a big fan of pampering her skin with microdermabrasion and facials, but most of us don't have the time or funds for pricey spa treatments. A more affordable Gwyneth-approved option? "I take a bath every night in regular epsom salts from the drugstore, Dr. Teal's, which is great for skin and purity of skin and relaxation to get all the energy of the day off," she revealed to Elle. And if you've got a little extra time on your hands, slather on some of these 31 Best Foods to Put on Your Face for an instant rejuvinating glow.

Do Cardio… For Your Skin


"I believe, for me, doing some cardiovascular exercise everyday is really good for my skin for detoxification and skin tone and color," she told E! News. That sounds like a wonderful effect, but if you've been avoiding that same old cardio routine, switch things up by giving her BFF Reese Witherspoon's 10-Minute Treadmill Workout a shot.

Keep Makeup Minimal


"I often go out with just mascara and a little cheek. I don't use bronzer," she admitted to the New York Times. While Gwyneth chooses to forgo any attempt at contouring and highlighting, that doesn't mean you have to give up your AM art. Choose makeup products that have a minimal ingredient list and are free of toxic chemicals and additives. Don't fret, "It's less and less hard to find nontoxic stuff. It's kind of amazing how much selection is available," she added.

Prioritize Balance

french fries

"I have a slightly easier philosophy, all around, than 10 years ago. I think I see now that life is really a balance," Gwyn admitted to the New York Times. "And it's great to eat nutrient-dense organic food, if you can. It's also really great to drink a vodka and have French fries. Your metabolism does slow as you get older, though. If I have to get into tiptop shape, I have to be more careful. But I also don't seem to care as much as I did." We appreciate the honesty.

She's A Smoothie Fan


"I really am a smoothie person. I love making a morning smoothie and then will drink some coffee and will not eat at all before lunch," she shared with Elle. While Gwyneth's detoxifying morning mix contains obscure ingredients like vanilla mushroom protein powder and cordyceps (nope, we don't know what that is, either), blending this Best Weight-loss Smoothie Recipe Ever is an Eat This-approved start!

Be Confident

happy girl

"I do really believe that beauty comes from within, mostly how you feel about yourself and how you express love of yourself," she told Elle. Gwyneth probably follows some of these 33 Tips for Total Confidence, which is why you should, too.

Ice Ice Baby


Hit the bottle too hard this weekend? "If you go in in the morning and have had a rough night, dunking your face in ice water is really good. There are makeup artists sometimes that have a jade face roller. If you're really tired those are really good," Gwyn admitted to Elle.


April Benshosan, MS
April is a born-and-raised Brooklynite who has a passion for all things health, wellness, and tastebud-related. Read more about April