Exactly How Hilary Duff Maintains Her Weight
From Amanda Bynes to Lindsay Lohan, we've seen plenty of childhood stars that have some serious meltdowns as adults. However, one of our favorite kid celebs isn't just holding it together as a "grown up"—she's thriving! At age 28, Hilary Duff is fitter and happier than ever, even after giving birth to her son, Luca, in 2012. Curious what the star of TV Land's Younger is doing to maintain her lean bod? Well, you're in luck, because we've got her go-to health hacks below. Read on to get in the know and incorporate them to your routine to blast away that pesky belly fat!
Stop Being So Sweet
While she does indulge on occasion, Hilary typically steers clear of dairy, excess carbs, and added sugars—something most Americans consume far too much of. To follow in Duff's lead, aim to consume no more than 25 grams of added sugar per day. (Those are the sugars that are added to foods during processing or preparation. The ones naturally occurring in fruit, for example, don't count.) According to research, consuming too much of the sweet stuff causes the body to pump out triglycerides, which in turn causes the storage of belly fat.
Be Your Own Nutritionist
These days, there are millions of outside sources telling us what to do. We're told what to wear, what music to listen to, and, of course, what to eat. But Hilary tunes out the noise, and instead, listens to the one that matters the most: her own. You're the only one who knows how your body responds to certain foods, after all, so you've got to go with your gut. Despite her stance on sugars, dairy, and carbs, for example, Duff still enjoys a glass of wine or beer each night with dinner. The takeaway here? Limit the indulgences you know you won't miss. This ensures you still have room in your diet for the more calorie-laden choices you'd truly hate to give up.
Stock Up on Breakfast Basics
Having healthy breakfast staples on hand helps ensure your day gets off on the right foot. Plus, getting into the routine of eating an easy, nutritious breakfast can have major long-term health effects like weight loss and improved heart health and cognitive function. Hilary's breakfast go-tos include smoothies, oatmeal, or sprouted grain toast topped with egg whites or smashed avocado. (She rotates between the three.) Her oatmeal usually features almond butter for protein and maple syrup for natural sweetness, while her smoothie is usually made with protein powder, blueberries, and almond milk. To mix things up from time to time, she'll make a veggie-centric blend of spinach, romaine lettuce, celery, cilantro, pear, apple, and banana. For more amazing smoothie recipes to work into your own healthy breakfast rotation, check out our list of the best-ever smoothies for weight loss.
Go Light at Lunch
Everyone needs to refuel mid-day, but not everyone's refuels with the right stuff. Take some lunch inspiration from Hilary, who keeps her midday bite light and healthy. Her go-to meal is a salad topped with a lean source of protein like a turkey burger or grilled fish. (For some Hilary-friendly lunch recipes, check out our 20 Best-Ever Recipes for Zero Belly). Eating a healthy lunch and breakfast on the reg allows her to loosen up the reigns a bit when it comes to her evening meal. She often has a glass of wine (or two!) and cooks up whatever type of meal she's in the mood for.
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