Halo Top is Giving Away Free Ice Cream—But There's a Catch

Making a New Year's resolution is easy. Sticking with it is hard. This year, the makers of Halo Top, the low-calorie, high-protein ice cream brand, are offering a fun incentive for people to maintain their new fitness goals.
They're giving away a free pint of Halo Top Peanut Butter Cup ice cream to anyone who manages to keep up a newfound exercise routine for a full week. All you have to do is track your progress for seven days, and voilà, the free dessert is yours.
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How will Halo Top be tracking your progress, you ask? Well, the brand created a website, Halo Top Goal Getter, which will allow you to check off your daily resolutions from Jan. 1 to Mar. 31.
The exact routine is up to you. The newfound habit could be as simple as drinking a full bottle of water at lunch or a more creative idea like doing two pushups every time you go to the bathroom.
According to the Times-Tribune, only 8% of Americans who make a New Year's goal actually keep it for the remainder of the year (80% don't even stick with their resolutions past February). Researchers like James Clear claim that behaviors take as long as 66 days before they become habits.
But you don't even have to stick with it for that long. If you can just make it to just Jan. 7, then your reward may taste even sweeter than you remember. Earlier this year, Halo Top totally revamped its dairy offerings to make them "creamier," using an ultrafiltered skim milk and other "high-quality" ingredients to improve the texture, according to a press release.
If you can maintain your routine even longer than that, Halo Top is offering additional perks, including a chance to win a week-long wellness retreat, or an entire collection of Halo Top-themed exercise equipment, including yoga mats, resistance bands, sweatbands for your ice cream container (yes, you read that right), and an ice cream scoop-shaped kettlebell.
They may even throw in a Halo Top-inspired deodorant. Talk about the smell of success!