More Grocery Shortages Could Be Coming With The Price of This Food Hitting Record Highs

The last time the cost of wheat was this high was in 2008. Not only have wheat prices hit a "record-high" across the globe, but also this pantry staple may face shortages in the coming months.
The wheat produced in Ukraine and Russia—which are nicknamed the "breadbasket of the world"—makes up nearly 30% of total global exports. Experts fear that a prolonged war "could trigger a massive scramble by food importers to replace supplies normally sourced from the Black Sea region," according to Fox Business. In fact, shortages could hit certain parts of the world as soon as July, the International Grains Council director told the Associated Press.
Ukraine just suspended exports of wheat and other food staples as it prioritizes feeding its citizens amid an unprovoked invasion. Should Russia also suspend exports, as some worry, this could trigger a global shortage. It would impact in-demand grocery staples like baked goods, bread, cereal, and pasta.
In the meantime, dealers in India, the world's second-largest wheat producer, are "expected to sign more contracts to take advantage of record-high global prices," according to Reuters. Following half a decade of record harvests, the country is currently experiencing a surplus of wheat—and its next round of harvests begin in April.
Wheat, however, isn't the only pantry staple currently facing threats of shortages—here's a list of 6 items on your shopping list that may be more difficult to find right now. Before your next grocery run, also check out why These Grocery Products Are Being Pulled From Shelves in 15 States.