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The 10-Minute Strength Training Workout For Busy Days And Best Results

If you lead a busy schedule and want an ultra-effective workout, we have just the routine for you.

Whether you lead a busy schedule, want an ultra-effective workout that delivers results, or both, we have just the plan for you. The best part is, this sweat session will only take a little bit of time out of your day. We chatted with Bianca Vesco, WW Digital 360 Coach about the best 10-minute strength training workout for busy days and great results. Vesco weighs in on the benefits of utilizing strength training when your goal is to burn fat and get toned, in addition to outlining your new favorite workout.

"Strength training does have many benefits. It can help you improve your heart health, build stronger bones, create better balance (which helps to decrease the likelihood of injury), increase joint mobility, and improve cardiovascular health," Vesco explains. "Strength training can also help you build and maintain muscle [and] increase the quality of your everyday life by making your daily movements easier. It is low impact and can be adapted for any fitness level, no matter what equipment you have access to or not."

It's important to note, though, that strength training is one piece of the puzzle. As with any puzzle, you need to focus on each and every piece, which, in this case, includes maintaining a healthy mindset, consuming nutritional foods, and getting enough solid sleep to feel refreshed and ready to take on a workout. Read on to learn about the 10-minute strength training workout that will give you great results. And next, be sure to check out The 6 Best Exercises for Strong and Toned Arms in 2022, Trainer Says.

A full-body circuit is the name of the game

man in his 50s doing push-up on cement

If you only have 10 minutes to spare, Vesco suggests performing a full-body circuit—involving your core, upper body, and lower body—that flows for timed sets rather than reps. "Going for time allows you to maximize the time you actually have to move," Vesco says, adding, "You also don't have to worry about counting reps, and you can make it a goal to move the entire time to also increase your strength endurance and get your heart rate up."

A full-body circuit like the below can be performed for 1 minute each, for a total of two rounds. And if you have more time to add to your workout, go for it!

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push up

Assume a high plank position with your hands slightly outside your shoulders. Lower your body to the floor, making sure your elbows are at about a 45-degree angle from your body. Press yourself back to the starting high plank position. Vesco notes a modification for this exercise would be doing it on your knees rather than toes.

Alternating Reverse Lunges

woman doing backwards lunge without weights

For this exercise, Vesco instructs, "Step back with your left leg as the right knee comes over the right toes, and take a slight hinge in the spine while you lunge—use the left leg to propel you forward to stand, and go directly into the other side."


man doing jackknife

The jackknife will have you positioned on the ground on your back, with your legs straight out. You will switch between sitting up and touching the opposite arm to the opposite foot. Vesco notes to "focus on sitting up into a flat back/neutral spine more so than trying to kick your face."

Related: 3 Subtle Red Flags Your Strength Training Workout Isn't Effective

Good Mornings

woman performing good morning exercise with barbell

Keep your back flat and your knees soft as you bring your hands to your ears. Your chest should be open and your elbows wide. Vesco explains, "Hinge forward leading with your chest, lift your glutes, and come back to [standing straight]. It's almost like shutting a door with your behind." The good morning exercise can be performed with dumbbells, a barbell, kettlebell, medicine ball, or without any added weight at all.

Alternating Lateral Lunges

lateral lunge in strength training workout

Last but not least comes the alternating lateral lunge. "From a standing position, feet right under your hips, step one leg out to the side, bending the knee of the leg you stepped out with so that the toes come forward over the knee and the hips shift back," Vesco instructs. "Press off with momentum to bring yourself back to your original standing position with feet under hips. Repeat on the other side, alternating."

Alexa Mellardo
Alexa is the Mind + Body Deputy Editor of Eat This, Not That!, overseeing the M+B channel and delivering compelling fitness, wellness, and self-care topics to readers. Read more about Alexa
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