Healthy Habits Kim Kardashian Swears by To Live Her Best Life at 42
Today is Kim Kardashian's birthday, and despite turning one year older, the reality TV star, entrepreneur, and mother of four shows no signs of slowing down. In addition to taking care of her family, partnering with plant-based meat substitutes company Beyond Meat, and filming the upcoming season of the Kardashians, the celeb known for "breaking the internet" is also continuing to pursue a law degree and simultaneously overseeing her shapewear brand Skims, which the New York Times recently reported has a valuation of $1.6 billion.
Now 42 years old, Kardashian has every reason in the world to feel better than ever. But what's the secret to Kim K's youthful energy and glow?
Fortunately, because she has spent so much of her career generously sharing her life with the public, we identified few healthy habits Kardashian has been known to embrace daily. So, as Kim Kardashian embarks on her 42nd trip around the sun, we're gifting our readers with the eating, drinking, and fitness habits she's adopted over the years to manage her health and feel amazing.
She eats a mostly plant-based diet
Kim Kardashian has reportedly been eating a plant-based-focused diet since 2019, and was even named chief taste consultant for Beyond Meat earlier this year. In an interview with People, Kim K attributed her plant-based diet to her ability to better manage her psoriasis.
"I just do my best to stay as plant-based as possible, unless it's a treat day," Kardashian reportedly told People. "I try to eat as many anti-inflammatory and antioxidant foods as possible."
The reality TV star also discussed how eating plant-based food alternatives has positively affecter her overall health.
"It's made me more mindful about how what I put in my body affects me, not just psoriasis but also my mood, my stress levels, my energy, everything," she added.
She doesn't drink alcohol

According to multiple sources, Kim Kardashian doesn't drink alcohol, and it's something she hasn't been interested in for quite some time. Last year, she shared a post on Instagram featuring a photo from her "college years," when she was visiting her sister older Kourtney on campus, with the caption noting how young Kim was tapped as Kourt's designated driver.
"I hated all of the wild parties so much that I stayed home and never wanted to drink or party EVER," Kim K wrote in the Instagram post.
With the exception of a few celebratory shots every few years, Kim's distaste for hard partying has led her to mostly abstain from drinking alcohol, according to Vogue.
She loves early morning workouts and is consistent
Along with sticking to a healthy eating plan, Kim is also dedicated to her early morning workout routine. She recently told Vogue that she wakes up at 5:30 every morning to exercise. Furthermore, Kim consistently hits the gym six days a week for approximately 60–90 minute-long workout sessions, according to Women's Health.
Kim K's trainer Melissa Alcantara claims that the majority of Kim's workouts focus on weights and strength training.
"[Eighty-five percent] of our training is weight training, and the other 15 is made up of cardio," Alcantara said in a 2021 article for Women's Health.
Alcantara also describes Kim as highly self-motivated and says that she appreciates Kim's commitment to fitness because she seldom cancels her workout appointments.
"It's just her drive. She's like, 'I have to work out, this is part of my life.' It's all about the mindset," Alcantara told Women's Health.
She's made mistakes

While Kim K has generously opened up about health habits she regularly engages in, she's also faced significant criticism for some unhealthy habits, too. After appearing at the 2022 Met Gala wearing the gold gown Marilyn Monroe wore as she famously performed "Happy Birthday" for former President JFK, it was revealed that Kardashian went to great measures to lose enough weight to squeeze into the form-fitting gown.
To fit into this dress, she reportedly dropped around 15 pounds—essentially through crash dieting.
"I would wear a sauna suit twice a day, run on the treadmill, completely cut out all sugar and all carbs, and just eat the cleanest veggies and protein," Kardashian reportedly told Vogue. "I didn't starve myself, but I was so strict."
Kim even temporarily abandoned her mostly plant-based diet to accommodate more real meat, all for the sake of this Met Gala moment. Although Kardashian disclosed to Allure her diet was overseen by a nutritionist and trainer, going to extreme measures for one evening in vintage couture did take a toll on her health, even causing a painful psoriasis flare-up.
"Psoriasis broke out over my body and I got psoriatic arthritis, so I couldn't really move my hands," she reportedly told Allure in August. "It was really painful, and I had to go to a rheumatologist who put me on a steroid. I was freaking out. I cut out the meat again, and it's calmed down."
At the end of the day, it's important to understand that although Kim Kardashian looks incredible at the age of 42, many factors have contributed to this—some healthy, some not so great, and almost all the product of an inordinate amount of wealth and fame. While Kim Kardashian's approach to healthy living may not be sustainable for everyone, it's certainly interesting to get to look inside the celebrity's regular routine. In addition to praising Kim K for her triumphs and the healthy habits she engages in, we can also learn from her errors in judgment—and choose better for ourselves.