The One Spice Everyone Is Adding To Their Coffee

If you're one of the many whose coffee drinking grew more adventurous during lockdown life, then don't miss this new try. A spice that's one of the world's greatest delicacies is about to elevate your favorite morning beverage.
One of Nespresso's three new coffee syrups is a nod to a coffee secret that's apparently been one of the best-kept for years: Saffron. It's the latest spice that coffee lovers are sprinkling into their morning cup of java.
Regarded by the French as "the gold of cuisine," saffron—which comes from the crocus flower—may not exactly be a spice rack staple in many kitchens (though it is available from many grocers). However, saffron has a distinctly smooth taste… and, it manages to pack a range of major health benefits. According to Healthline, saffron may relieve PMS symptoms, stimulate libido, ward off dementia, and lower blood pressure, among other plusses.
One more saffron advantage worth mentioning is that past research has shown it may also stave off depression to improve your mood—in fact, this bright orange spice is sometimes called "the sunshine spice." That may be just one reason it might be a prime accompaniment to your morning drink.
According to, the perfect formula for adding saffron to your coffee is this: Before dropping it in your pot, stir together a mixture of coffee grounds, one teaspoon of cinnamon, and a pinch of saffron threads (which you should rub together in order to break them down).
Add this saffron coffee blend to your pot and brew as usual. When it's finished, consider stirring in a small amount of honey.
If this makes your morning coffee a little extra, well, embrace it! And don't miss What Your Coffee Order Says About Your Personality, According To Data.
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