Reese Witherspoon Reveals Her Favorite Snacks to Eat On Set & They're So Relatable
From Tracy Flick to June Carter-Cash, Elle Woods to Mrs. Whatsit, and every character in between, Reese Witherspoon's resume of prolific roles showcases the breadth of her creative range as an actress. As someone who has earned her place among Hollywood royalty, you would think that the pioneer behind the "bend and snap" might be a diva prone to snapping at others. But through social media, Witherspoon has shown fans that she's very down-to-earth—she teaches herself TikTok dances, is fascinated by astrology and zodiac signs, and also appreciates a solid afternoon snack. In fact, while on set for her latest movie, Your Place or Mine, Witherspoon's appreciation for snack time inspired her curiosity about the snack preferences of her fellow castmates. She also shared a few of her own.
In a recent Instagram post that Witherspoon shared, she asked the cast of the Netflix romcom, "What is your crafty snack?"
For those who might be less familiar with "Hollywood biz" lingo, a "crafty snack" is one that is catered by craft services, a designated department in the film, television, and video production industry that is responsible for feeding all cast and crew while shooting on set. For actors who are in the midst of filming a movie or show, the items provided by craft services can sometimes end up being the primary source of their daily food intake. In some cases, long hours and grueling shooting schedules may mean that convenience sometimes takes precedence over healthy eating.
Take Ashton Kutcher, for example. As the lead opposite Witherspoon in Your Place or Mine, she initially posed this question about choice snacks from craft services to him.
"Thespian food," responded Kutcher.
Witherspoon then followed up with the same question we all probably have: "What does that mean?"
"Coffee," Kutcher cheekily replied. Later in the Instagram video, he added, "If they have hot dogs, I'm going to get one." Although coffee isn't inherently unhealthy, consuming high amounts of it has been connected to high blood pressure. Combine that with a sodium-packed hot dog, and Kutcher is not doing his heart any favors.
Co-stars Zoe Chao and Jesse Williams also each declared their love for Doritos after being approached by Witherspoon with the same question.
"Nacho Cheese Doritos," Williams told Witherspoon. "Cool Ranch is what I look for first—they never have it. So I settle on Nacho Cheese; I'll eat five of them," he confessed.
Chao even revealed the contents of the doggie bag of snacks she had intended to take home. Along with Doritos, she had collected a variety of candies and other chips. Although healthy eating on set might be challenging, it's not impossible—at least, this was my takeaway after Witherspoon revealed her favorite crafty snack picks.
Reese Witherspoon's favorite 'crafty snacks'

After turning the camera on herself, Witherspoon divulged her favorite on-set snacks to her Instagram followers.
"Sun Chips or apple and peanut butter—every day at 11:00," she shared.
Apples and peanut butter are a great balance of vitamins and macronutrients. One large apple (around 242 grams) contains almost 6 grams of fiber, over 11 milligrams of vitamin C, 12 grams of magnesium, 259 milligrams of potassium, and 14.5 milligrams of calcium. Meanwhile, a tablespoon of peanut butter has 3.6 grams of protein and about 2 grams of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids—healthy fats known to support improved cognition, blood pressure regulation, quality liver function, reduced inflammation, and heart health.
Touting themselves as "everyone's favorite whole grain chip," the fact that Sun Chips are 100% whole grain does make them a tad more nutritious compared to other types of chips. In fact, according to Sun Chips, they have 30% less fat than regular chips, and while standard potato chips have 10 grams of fat per 1-ounce serving, Sun Chips only contain 6 grams of total fat per ounce, which is only 8% of the recommended daily value. About 16 Sun Chips also contains 2 grams of dietary fiber, making this handful a more satiating snack option than a handful of fried potato chips. Plus, more fiber means better digestive support fortifying your gut health.
How Witherspoon splurges
What's refreshing about Witherspoon is her candor about her snacking habits and the fact that she does not deprive herself of foods she enjoys for the sake of a rigid diet. Her favorite daily splurge?
"Wait! My 4:00 snack is tea and [a] cookie; chai cookie or an oatmeal cookie," exclaimed Witherspoon in the Instagram post. "And it needs to have a chip in it—a chocolate chip in it."
This Instagram post isn't the first time Witherspoon has purported herself as an unadulterated cookie snacker. In a comical tweet Witherspoon published in spring 2021, she informed followers that cookies were her go-to "snack in between the meals and all the other snacks."
Clearly, Witherspoon's love of cookies runs deep. While cookies as a whole would not be considered a "healthy choice," certain ingredients can up the nutritional value of some types over others. For instance, oatmeal cookies might be sweet indulgences, but also they can also be fairly fiber-rich depending on the recipe—especially if raisins are also in the mix. Also, though a seemingly minor must-have cookie ingredient on Witherspoon's list, clinging to that chocolate chip might be more beneficial to Witherspoon's health in the long run.
Studies indicate that the flavonol compounds found inside chocolate may decrease your risk of cardiovascular complications, heart disease, and even diabetes. Research published in Nutrients even uncovered the portion sizes to help you better capitalize on chocolate's health benefits without crossing over into unhealthy overindulgent territory. According to this data, having a minimum of 30 grams of chocolate per week may prove advantageous to keeping these health conditions at bay, but exceeding 180 grams (about 6 servings) of chocolate per week could overshadow these efforts. Whether she meant it literally or figuratively remains to be seen, but Witherspoon's emphasis on finding a cookie with a single chocolate chip seems to suggest that she recognizes the importance of moderation and is somewhat mindful of her portions when snacking on desserts.
Unlike her co-stars who each seem to grab what they can get when they can get it, Witherspoon's prioritization of regularly scheduled snack times appears to have unconsciously enabled more well-balanced, nutritious snacking choices across the board. And although her choice crafty snack picks are healthy, her snacking habits are not overtly health-driven—she goes for familiar flavors she knows she likes, does her best to snack based on a consistent schedule, and enjoys everything in moderation. Without overthinking it, she lives a healthy lifestyle—which means you can, too.
To see how Witherspoon's eating habits translate on screen, be sure to catch Your Place or Mine starring Reese Witherspoon and Ashton Kutcher—now streaming only on Netflix.