The 8 Unhealthiest Non-Dairy Milks You Should Avoid at All Costs

These days, it feels like there's a new non-dairy milk alternative popping up every time you blink. Almond milk, oat milk, hemp milk, cashew milk—it's like a never-ending roll call of trendy milk imposters. And while these plant-based drinks might seem like the healthier, more virtuous cousins of old-fashioned cow's milk, not all of them are as innocent as they appear. Spoiler alert: just because something comes from a hip-looking carton with eco-friendly vibes doesn't mean it's your ticket to health paradise.
Believe it or not, some of these non-dairy options are harboring surprisingly unhealthy secrets. With added sugars, sneaky amounts of oils, and more questionable ingredients than we care to put in our own bodies, a few of them might make you think twice before putting them into your shopping cart. Don't worry, though—we're here to peel back the glossy marketing and shine a light on 8 of the most unhealthy non-dairy milk alternatives out there.
Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Vanilla Almond Milk

Calories: 80
Fat: 2.5 g (Saturated Fat: 0 g)
Sodium: 150 mg
Carbs: 14 g (Fiber: 1 g, Sugar: 13 g)
Protein: 1 g
Sure, this alternative is lower in calories and it is completely dairy-free. But between only providing one gram of protein per serving (a glass of dairy milk contains 8 grams), most of the carbs coming from added sugars (13 out of the total 14 grams per serving), and ingredients that some folks like to avoid (like certain gums), there are far better choices out there, like Blue Diamond Unsweetened Original Almond Milk.
Oatly Chilled Oat Milk Chocolate

Calories: 150
Fat: 3.5 g (Saturated Fat: 0.5 g)
Sodium: 150 mg
Carbs: 24 g (Fiber: 3 g, Sugar: 16 g)
Protein: 3 g
With only 3 grams of protein and a whopping 16 grams of sugar, this drink should be saved as a treat more so than a regular addition to a balanced diet. While this drink is fortified with certain nutrients, it is not a source of all of the nutrients that dairy milk provides, like iodine.
So Delicious Organic Coconut Vanilla Milk

Calories: 80
Fat: 4.5 g (Saturated Fat: 4 g)
Sodium: 10 mg
Carbs: 9 g (Fiber: 1 g, Sugar: 8 g)
Protein: 0 g
With zero grams of protein and very little fiber, this drink won't do yourself many favors in the satiety department, as these two macros help promote a feeling of fullness. It's also a source of 4 grams of saturated fat, a nutrient that the American Heart Association suggests most adults consume no more than 13 grams of every day.
Kiki Milk Chocolate Organic Plant Based Milk

Calories: 140
Fat: 6 g (Saturated Fat: 1.5 g)
Sodium: 50 mg
Carbs: 18 g (Fiber: 3 g, Sugar: 5 g)
Protein: 5 g
While this option isn't the worst on the market, what is concerning is that it is marketed as an option for children. The Dietary Guidelines fo Americans suggests that children under the age of 2 avoid any added sugars in their diet, and this choice contains five. It also is free from vitamin D, a nutrient that is a nutrient of public health concern for Americans, again, per the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Bettergoods Plant Based Vanilla Almond Milk

Calories: 80
Fat: 2.5 g (Saturated Fat: 0 g)
Sodium: 180 mg
Carbs: 14 g (Fiber: <1 g, Sugar: 13 g)
Protein: 1 g
This option is made with two different types of gums, which is something some choose to avoid due to potential health concerns when consumed in excess, like potential negative effects on the gut microbiota. It also contains a whopping 13 grams of added sugar with only 1 gram of protein.
Dream Rice Milk Vanilla Classic

Calories: 130
Fat: 2.5 g (Saturated Fat: 0 g)
Sodium: 80 mg
Carbs: 28 g (Fiber: 0 g, Sugar: 13 g)
Protein: 0 g
Unlike dairy milk, which provides 8 grams of protein per serving, this option provides zero. And like many other options on our list, this choice provides a significant amount of added sugar (13 grams), which is almost half of the maximum amount recommended for American women by the American Heart Association (they suggest a 25 gram maximum of added sugars).
365 Organic Vanilla Almond Milk

Calories: 80
Fat: 2.5 g (Saturated Fat: 0 g)
Sodium: 160 mg
Carbs: 14 g (Fiber: 1 g, Sugar: 13 g)
Protein: 1 g
Again, this option contains a large quantity of added sugars with very little protein. The natural flavors added may be a concern for some, as they can contain both artificial and synthetic chemicals (often used as processing aids).
Lattini Sunflower Milk Chocolate

Calories: 120
Fat: 6 g (Saturated Fat: 0.5 g)
Sodium: 45 mg
Carbs: 15 g (Fiber: 2 g, Sugar: 11 g)
Protein: 3 g
Another option with a significant amount of added sugars with little protein. While this can be a great option as a treat for those avoiding dairy, drinking it in excess may result in consumption of large quantities of this ingredient, which may contribute to outcomes like an increased risk of developing dental cavities.