What Happens to Your Body on CBD
There are a lot of people talking about CBD these days. CBD (cannabidiol) is a cannabinoid that is found in cannabis and hemp and is known for having numerous health benefits. However, while these health benefits look promising, it does create a lot of questions from the general public on what happens to your body on CBD. Does it really work? Can you use too much of it? And will it make one high just like normal marijuana would?
In order to fully understand the health benefits and risks of CBD, we spoke with Triniti Gawthrop, Founder and CEO of Ami Wellness, to fully understand what happens to your body on CBD.
It can help with numerous physical and mental struggles.

Between any type of physical pain or mental struggles (like built-up anxiety), CBD can actually be a way to help calm your body and make you feel better.
"Your endocannabinoid system also has receptors and the way that CBD works with your body is that it helps your endocannabinoid system pick those up, so it essentially creates better communication," says Gawthrop. "So if you take it regularly, then you're supporting the communication of that system better and your endocannabinoid system supports the nervous system. It's just helping your body what your body needs to do. So your body may need help with pain, but my body may need help with dealing with anxiety. Whatever it is you need, it's helping your body be in the action state."
Gawthrop also mentions that some studies show how CBD can also help your neuroprotective properties, meaning it can help protect your neurological system.
It won't fix a health problem.

"CBD doesn't actually heal you, it just helps your body know to do something to heal itself," says Gawthrop. "So for instance, if you were dealing with chronic inflammation or chronic pain or if you're dealing with anxiety or even if you are dealing with any other lifestyle health-focused wellness barrier, it's going to help your body help you move through that."
It doesn't get you high.

For those who aren't familiar, CBD is a compound found within the cannabis plant. Cannabis also famously has THC, which is the compound that makes people feel high. However, a CBD oil—such as the one sold at Ami's Wellness—does not have enough THC in it in order for one person to feel any kind of high effects. While Ami's Wellness does focus on creating products that are full-spectrum (leaving all of the natural compounds of the cannabis plant within the oil), it does not play a main role in the oils that they sell. Simply a "friend" to the many other plants used for the different types of oils.
"The science right now tells us that your body will pick up the CBD better if it does have some THC," says Gawhtrop. She points out the oil only has 0.3% THC, and based on the science, feels it creates the most effective product for her customers. She points out that even in history from a healer's perspective, CBD was never meant to "own the table," but merely be a small part of the entire product.
It is best applied topically.

As of now, the FDA has not approved any kind of dietary supplement for CBD. Meaning that it cannot be ingested like you could with any pill or vitamin. Gawthrop and the team at Ami Wellness make sure to follow all FDA guidelines and only provide products that are topical, meaning they are applied through the skin.
"For our products, we only make topical products because we feel it's the more responsible route to work with the FDA and make sure we know what they know and if there's education to be done, to be working with them to continue to educate ourselves and educate them," says Gawhtrop.
Plus, with topical use, you don't have to worry about overdoing it, because your skin can actually handle a lot of it (it's a big organ, after all). For those topically applying CBD for the first time, Gawhtrop says 16 milligrams per topical use is enough for you to feel an effect.
It can ease pain and inflammation.

By using it topically, Gawthrop points out that the user can acutely choose where they apply the CBD on their skin. This, of course, can help with anyone experiencing pain or inflammation in particular parts of their body.
"If you're using it for stress and you find it you're holding that stress in your neck or in your shoulder, being able to apply it there and kind of rub it in can also create a calming ritual," says Gawhtrop. "If you're feeling pain, being able to direct;ly apply it where you are experiencing pain and inflammation usually creates a really positive response for people."
Make sure to read the labels

Not all CBD products are as transparent. Gawhtrop points out that some CBD products are sold without having almost no CBD in them, and others that market products that include chemicals, pesticides, and heavy metals. She highly encourages all users to take a look at the labels of their products before using them.
"I tell people to think about it as having the same level of education as you would about your vitamins or about anything else you put on your body," says Gawhtrop. "So treat it with that same level of respect. Read a label and understand where it comes from."
At Ami Wellness, two of the most popular products are Soothe and Dream. Soothe is an herbal tincture that helps relax muscle tension, and Dream helps to quiet the body and mind for restful sleep. All made with certified organic ingredients or farmed organic ingredients that you don't have to worry about.
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