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5 Foolproof At-Home Workouts To Get Toned While Streaming Netflix

Combine your TV binge-watching time with your fitness time.
FACT CHECKED BY Alexa Mellardo

Let's face it: If you're reading this article, there's a pretty good chance you use Netflix or another streaming platform at least once a week. If you're like us, you'd love to combine your workout with your TV time to literally get toned while streaming Netflix. That's why we're here to give your winter season—and beyond—a major upgrade with these at-home workouts you can do while watching your favorite shows. So grab your mat, and let's get started!

The use of streaming services will likely grow, encompassing television, tablet, and smartphone device use. Far from being time wasted, you can combine your cozy Netflix-watching sessions with one of the following five at-home workouts to torch fat, build muscle, and get toned to your favorite shows. Keep reading to learn all about them, and next, don't miss Simple At-Home Exercises To Boost Your Metabolism, Trainer Says.

Netflix Core Routine

fitness woman doing planks during her at-home workouts

This workout is great to perform on your living room floor while watching the latest season of "Too Hot to Handle" (or your preferred programming).

The "Netflix Core Routine" consists of a few core exercises:

  • Planks
  • Side Planks
  • Glute Bridges
  • Bird Dogs

Perform the first two exercises for three sets of 30 seconds on each side. For the glute bridges and bird dogs, perform three sets of 10 reps. Perform up to two rounds of the entire workout.

Treadmill Running While Streaming

man doing treadmill sprint, fat-burning workout at home

The treadmill is a great way to combine your workout with Netflix or other video watching. In this instance, a tablet is ideal for placement on the treadmill console. For the sake of everyone around you, use headphones.

You have the option to do steady-state cardio or HIIT when combining your treadmill running with Netflix. For steady-state cardio, aim for a minimum of 20 minutes of moderate-intensity running at a pace you can sustain. You can perform as much as you want, but it's best to work up to longer training sessions over a period of time.

For HIIT, bump the treadmill up for 30 seconds, followed by 30 seconds of brisk walking pace for the rest interval. Aim for a minimum of 10 cycles, and take a break every five cycles. Treadmill HIIT is great to combine with your favorite action movie.

Get Rid of Holiday Weight Gain With These Couch Exercises


woman performing burpees step-by-step

The burpee is an explosive full-body exercise that requires no equipment and can form an entire workout in itself. Work to perform sets of 10 or more burpees at a sustained, rhythmic pace. Depending on your current fitness level, you may be able to perform many burpees in a row, or you might need to take breaks every five to 10 reps.

To perform burpees, begin standing with your feet hip-width distance apart Explosively drop down and kick your feet behind you, landing in a pushup plank position. Hop up, and bring your knees forward to get your feet back under you, then explode upward into a jump while reaching over your hand. Absorb the landing by dropping into the next repetition.

5 Simple At-Home Exercises To Stay in the Best Shape


fitness woman doing pushups at home in her living room

Calisthenics is a category of exercises revolving around bodyweight movements such as pushups, pullups, hand balancing, and even encroaching into the territory of gymnastics. Pushups in particular are a great workout to do while watching TV since they require no equipment and can be made easier by dropping your knees and harder by adjusting your hand position.

Advanced calisthenics includes moves such as handstands and planche exercises, and are potentially overkill for an at-home workout. However, combining basic calisthenics with exercises such as squats and lunges provides an excellent home workout routine you can do while enjoying your Netflix favorites.


fitness woman shadowboxing in front of white background

Shadowboxing isn't a drill just for professional fighters. You can shadowbox in your own home even with no experience. Make sure you have a roughly 8×8-foot area you can move around in. Aim to shadow box for three-to-five-minute rounds You can increase the intensity by throwing more punches. It's better to focus on speed and volume than power when shadowboxing to avoid injury.

To do shadowboxing, stand with one leg forward, make a fist in both hands, and put your hands up like a boxer. Throw punches with your left and right hands, alternating each side. You can step forward and backward with each punch. Throw straight punches, hook punches, and uppercut punches to mix it up.

Tyler Read, BSc, CPT
Tyler Read is a personal trainer and has been involved in health and fitness for the past 15 years. Read more about Tyler
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