6 Safe Ways to Lose 14 Pounds in 14 Days, According to an Expert

When I began the Zero Sugar Diet, and saw for myself how quickly and effectively it stripped off the pounds, I realized that eating according to this plan was changing my body in ways I never imagined possible. And I found that once I got used to reading labels a bit more carefully, I learned how much I had been sabotaging my own weight-loss goals with foods that were low in calories but that were bombarding me with added sugars. You'll find that, too.
Because on the first fourteen days, you'll eat only foods that have no added sugars. You'll enjoy eating four times a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and one snack. There's no counting calories or worrying about whether you're eating too much or too little. The foods you'll eat on this 14-day plan will keep you naturally satiated by stabilizing your blood sugar, filling your belly, and keep your hunger hormones under control.
Here are the ground rules on how to lose 14 pounds in 14 days, and for more healthy tips, be sure to check out our list of 15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work.
Avoid added sugars.

Eat foods with no added sugars, choosing from the list in the back of the book or checking nutrition labels. Here are 14 Sneaky Sources of Added Sugars.
Feel free to switch it up.

Look for low-sugar recipes that work for you—like from our list of 100 Best No-Cook Recipes of All Time! During these 14 days, you'll find numerous homemade (but easy to make) and "semi-homemade" (using some of the best packaged foods out there) meals and snacks that will satisfy you. Having a variety of foods means benefiting from all kinds of good vitamins and nutrients.
Never eat more sugar than fiber.

These 14 days are focused on helping you increase fiber, decrease blood sugar, and end cravings by always keeping you in the "sweet spot," so you never eat more sugar than fiber. Stick with it to get the biggest benefit—you will have the opportunity to mix things up a bit in phase two. Here are 20 Easy Ways to Add Fiber to Your Diet.
Follow the correct portion sizes.

I've tailored each meal and snack so that the carbs always have less sugar than fiber for optimal satisfaction and balance. For these fourteen days, I recommend using the suggested portion sizes in order to cut your dependence on carbs. Here are 18 Easy Ways to Control Your Portion Sizes.
Fill you meals with power proteins.

Power proteins—foods like grilled chicken, broiled salmon, sautéed shrimp, and cubed tofu (protein foods that have nothing added, except perhaps a minimal amount of fat for cooking)—are free. So, too, are vegetables, fruits, and good fatty foods like olive, canola, avocado, and walnut oils, plant-fat-rich foods like avocados and olives, and nut and seed butters, like peanut butter, almond butter, and tahini. (But as with any packaged food, make sure you're looking for one with less sugar than fiber.)
Speaking of, These Are the Best Forms of Lean Protein You Can Eat
Eat whole vegetables and fruit to fill you up.

If the prescribed serving sizes aren't cutting it for you, increase your portions of whole vegetables, fruits, and pure protein. The fiber in produce and protein are both major factors in satiety, and getting enough at each meal will help you rein in your hunger. Or try a healthy smoothie with our list of 27 Best Immune-Boosting Smoothie Recipes!