5 Ultimate Ab Workouts for Men To Get a Rock-Solid Six-Pack

Try these quick routines for a chiseled core.

The #1 No-Equipment Workout for Men To Gain Muscle & Strength

Ditch the weights and sculpt your physique with these trainer-approved bodyweight exercises.

The #1 Daily Workout for Men To Build 'Boulder Shoulders'

Build bigger, more defined shoulders with a trainer's must-try workout.

5 Best Strength Workouts for Men To Build a Shredded Body

Boost muscle growth and enhance your body composition by trying these workouts.

5 Best HIIT Workouts for Men To Build a Shredded Body

Build muscle and torch fat with these trainer-approved routines.

5 Best Weight Loss Workouts for Men That Actually Work

Want to lose weight? Try these trainer-approved workouts that are specifically geared to men.

10 Daily Habits That Can Increase Testosterone

Give your testosterone a natural boost by implementing a trainer's healthy habits into your routine.

10 Superfoods Men Should Eat Every Day, Say Dietitians

These superfoods can help combat the risks of heart disease and other diseases common among men.

10 Best Exercises for Men to Get a Lean Waistline

Belly flab weighing you down? Shrink your waist with these trainer-approved moves.

7 Strength Exercises Men Should Do For Weight Loss After 40

An expert breaks down the best strength moves for men to shed weight.