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Shrink Abdominal Fat Faster With These Free Weight Exercises, Trainer Says

They'll get you into shape for beach season and beyond.
FACT CHECKED BY Alexa Mellardo

Whether you're gearing up for swimsuit season or planning a beach getaway with that special someone, dealing with abdominal fat can be a real downer. (Not to mention, abdominal—aka visceral—fat is associated with a variety of health risks.) A common and very relatable fitness priority people want to achieve is losing belly fat. This kind of fat is a real pain, because it's difficult to get rid of. But don't feel down in the dumps, because we've rounded up some productive free weight exercises that will shrink abdominal fat faster and get you into shape for your sun-filled getaway.

In order to shed fat, let's chat about a few key players in the game. Living a healthy lifestyle, eating at a calorie deficit, performing regular cardio, and prioritizing strength training are all crucial habits to adapt. When it comes to strength training, this form of exercise should make up the bulk of your workouts because it builds muscle, elevates your metabolism, and helps burn fat. And if you want to shrink abdominal fat faster, you'll need to choose challenging strength exercises—preferably ones that involve free weights. Free weights are superior, because they force your body to work harder and recruit more muscle groups compared to other forms of resistance exercise.

If you're not sure which free weight exercises to choose, we have you covered. Here are four movements you can add to your current routine, or perform the below as a standalone workout. Aim for 3 working sets of the following movements, and next, check out The 6 Best Exercises for Strong and Toned Arms in 2022, Trainer Says.

Kettlebell Deadlift

man doing kettlebell deadlift to shrink abdominal fat faster

For this exercise, you're going to stand in front of the kettlebell with your feet outside of the weight. Push your hips back, and squat down low enough to grab the kettlebell. Make sure your shoulders are in line with the handle, and your torso is straight. Keep your core tight and shoulders down, and pick up the kettlebell by pushing through your heels and hips. Stand tall, and flex your glutes at the top. Reverse the motion to put the weight down before performing another rep. Complete 3 sets of 10 reps.

Related: Shrink Belly Fat Faster In Your 40s With These Free Weight Exercises, Trainer Says

Dumbbell Renegade Row

man doing dumbbell renegade row

Start this movement by getting into a pushup position with a wide stance, with a dumbbell in each hand. Keeping your core tight and glutes squeezed, take one hand, and row the weight up by driving your elbow towards your hip and squeezing your lat. Return the dumbbell back to the ground, and then perform a row with the other arm. Perform 3 sets of 6 to 8 reps for each arm.

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Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press

dumbbell shoulder press

Begin this exercise with the dumbbells up next to your shoulders and your palms facing each other. Keep your core tight and glutes squeezed, and press the dumbbells up, flexing your shoulders and triceps at the top. Lower the weight under control before performing another rep. Complete 3 sets of 10 reps.

Bulgarian Split Squat

bulgarian split squat in dark gym

From a standing position, rest your back foot on a bench or couch, and step out with your other foot about 2 to 3 feet away from the bench. Hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides, then start the movement by lowering your body straight down—with control—so that your back knee almost touches the ground and your front knee is in a runner's lunge. Then, use your weight to drive through your front heel in order to return to standing, flexing your quads and glutes as you rise. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg.

Tim Liu, C.S.C.S., CSCS
Tim Liu, CSCS, is an online fitness and nutrition coach based in Los Angeles Read more about Tim