5 Best Strength Workouts To Banish Flabby Arms

In addition to the belly, one of the most common areas my female clients want to tone and tighten up is the arms. I'm not going to sugarcoat it—the arms can be an incredibly frustrating part of the body to improve. To do so, you need to make strength training a key part of your regular routine. I'm here to help you out with five of the best strength workouts for flabby arms that I highly recommend to clients.
The flabbiest part of the arms is the triceps. It's the jiggly area that women complain about most, and in order for you to tighten your triceps, you need to focus on getting stronger in your pressing movements. Along with pressing exercises, you should include movements that isolate your triceps in various angles and hand positions. And if you want to add in some bicep work, you can also incorporate curls into your workouts.
Not sure what to do to banish arm flab for good? I have you covered. Here are my five best strength workouts for flabby arms. Perform three to four sets of the following exercises.
Workout #1
1. Flat Neutral Grip Dumbbell Bench Press (x8 to 10 reps)
These strength workouts for flabby arms kick off with the flat neutral grip dumbbell bench press. Lie down flat on your back on a workout bench holding the dumbbells over your body with your palms facing each other. Pull your shoulder blades back, then lower the weights with control. Get a solid chest stretch once you reach the bottom, then drive the weights up, flexing your triceps and pecs to finish.
2. Pushback Pushups (x10 to 15 reps)

Assume a standard pushup position with your feet just outside shoulder-width. Lower your body with control until your chest is just above the floor. Instead of pushing up as you normally would, push yourself back toward your hips while bending your knees. Flex your shoulders hard at the end of the movement, then return to the starting position before the next rep.
3. Rope Triceps Extensions (x12 to 15 reps)
Attach a rope to the part of a cable pulley, and grip it just above the knobs. Keep your chest up and slightly lean forward as you pull the rope down with your elbows, tearing it apart at the very bottom while flexing your triceps.
Workout #2
1. Machine Shoulder Press (x10 to 12 reps)

Sit down on the pad of the machine while gripping the handles with both hands. Keeping your chest tall and your core tight, press the weight up, flexing your shoulders and triceps hard at the top. Use control as you lower to the starting position before the next rep.
2. Smith Close Grip Bench Press (x8 to 10 reps)

Position a bench right under the Smith machine barbell so it's in line with your wrists and shoulders. Grip the bar and hold it just outside shoulder width. Unrack it, then lower it with control until the bar touches your chest. Drive the weight back up, flexing your triceps hard at the top to finish.
3. Cable Overhead French Press x12-15 reps

Set up the EZ bar attachment on the bottom of the cable pulley. Grip the inner part with both hands and put it over your head. Spin around so that it's right behind you. Bend from the elbows so that your biceps touch your forearms to get a deep tricep stretch. Once they touch, extend your arms, and flex your triceps hard at the top.
Workout #3
1. Machine Chest Press (x8 to 10 reps)

Sit back into the chest press machine with your arms on the handles. Keep your core tight, and press the weight forward until your arms are fully extended. Flex your chest and triceps to finish, then lower the weight under control to the starting position before performing another rep.
2. Judo Pushups (x8 to 10 reps)

The judo pushup is an excellent variation of a traditional pushup. It stretches out your core and improves your shoulder mobility. Begin by assuming a pushup position. Drive your hips up toward the ceiling until you feel a solid stretch in your hamstrings. Swoop back down toward the ground, leading with your head. Before your body reaches the ground, push yourself back up, flexing your triceps to finish.
3. Seated Triceps Extensions (x10 to 12 reps)

Sit down at the triceps machine, placing your elbows on the pad. Grip the handles, then begin extending your elbow fully, flexing your triceps hard at the bottom. Reverse the motion.
4. Bicep Curls (x10 to 12 reps)

Sit down at the bicep curl machine with your arms on the pad, completely extended. Grab the handle, and perform a bicep curl. Squeeze your biceps hard at the top of the motion, then lower the weight until your arms are totally straight once again.
Workout #4
1. Single-Arm Kettlebell Press (x10 reps per arm)

Hold a single kettlebell at shoulder height with the handle resting comfortably across your palm. Keeping your chest tall and your core tight, press the weight up, flexing your tricep and shoulders hard at the top. Lower the weight with control back to the starting position.
2. EZ Bar French Press (x10 reps)

Sit at a workout bench with back support while holding an EZ bar. Grip the inner part with both hands, and put it over your head. Bend from the elbows to where your biceps touch your forearms to get a deep tricep stretch. Then, extend your arms, and flex your triceps hard at the top.
3. One-Arm Cable Triceps Extensions (x12 to 15 reps each)

Pull out one of the cable pulleys by the knob with no attachment. Assume a staggered stance with your other arm supporting your bicep. Bend from your elbow until your fist is right behind your head, then fully extend it, flexing hard to finish.
4. Cable Bicep Curls (x12 reps)
Attach an EZ attachment or straight bar at the bottom. Pick up the bar, and take a few steps back. Keeping your chest tall, curl the bar up, squeezing your biceps hard at the top. Lower the bar to the starting position, resisting with the biceps the entire time.
Workout #5
1. Landmine Presses (x8 to 10 reps per arm)

Position the barbell inside a landmine attachment. If you don't have access to a landmine, you can stick a barbell to a corner of a wall to achieve the same effect. Assume a staggered stance with one foot forward and one foot back. Grab the bar, keeping your chest tall and your core tight, then press it forward. Flex your tricep and shoulder hard at the top, then bring the bar back to the starting position.
2. Machine Assisted Dips (x10 reps)
To perform machine-assisted dips, step onto the platform with a tall chest. Lean slightly forward, and begin lowering yourself down toward the ground. Go down to about parallel then push yourself back up, squeezing your chest and triceps hard at the top.
3. Overhead Rope Extensions (x12 to 15 reps)
Grip the rope attachment, take a step forward, and bring the rope above and behind your head. With your torso pressing forward and your arms straight, bend from your elbows until your biceps touch your forearms. Once you feel a good triceps stretch, fully extend your arms, flexing your triceps to finish.