6 Best Smoothie Recipes to Target Belly Fat Faster, Say Dietitians

Include these specific belly-fat-blasting ingredients in your daily smoothie to see results faster.

7 Low-Sugar Smoothies for Rapid Weight Loss

Cut back on sweeteners to accelerate weight loss.

The #1 Best Smoothie Combination for Faster Weight Loss, Says Dietitian

Set your day up for success with this winning smoothie combo.

The #1 Best Smoothie to Lower Cholesterol, Says Dietitian

Blend up these ingredients in your smoothie for a heart-healthy drink.

The #1 Best Smoothie to Slow Aging, Say Dietitians

Blend up this nutrient-packed beverage to help you look and feel younger.

The 5 Best Anti-Aging Smoothies You Can Drink, Say Dietitians

These delicious concoctions will help you look and feel your best.

The Best Smoothie Combinations for Faster Weight Loss, Says Dietitian

While no one particular food can speed up weight loss, these smoothie combos can start your day with a boost.

40+ Best-Ever Breakfast Smoothies For Weight Loss

These smoothie recipes are so delicious, you won't even realize you're sipping on a healthy meal.

12 Healthy Smoothies That Taste Like Decadent Fall Desserts

Fall produce steals the show in these smoothie recipes.