4 Surprising Drinks Causing Your Headaches, According to a Dietitian

Various types of headaches can stem from different occurrences: stress, allergies, dehydration, and even your diet. Although there are methods to treat your headaches, they are a nuisance, especially when they keep recurring. Not only can they ruin your day and your sleep, but they can also leave you feeling groggy, disoriented, and all out of sorts.
If they keep coming back for more, it may be time to change some of your daily patterns, such as watching what you drink. We spoke with Sydney Greene, MS, RD, a member of our medical expert board, about the drinks that may be the reason for your headaches. For more, check out Eating Habits to Avoid If You Have Painful Headaches, Say Dietitians.
Energy drinks

According to Greene, many energy drinks are loaded with added sugars, caffeine, and additional herbs that are thought to boost energy.
"Though one of these drinks might give you a boost for an hour or two, the crash can lead to headaches and fatigue due to the dehydrating nature of caffeine and sugar," says Greene.
Beer or wine

"All alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it promotes the loss of water and electrolytes," Greene explains.
However, unlike hard liquor which might have ice or non-alcoholic liquids added to it, beer and wine may have a greater diuretic potential. This may lead to dehydration and headaches.
RELATED: Dangerous Side Effects of Drinking Too Much Wine, Says Science.
Fruit juices

"Fruit juices can be very high in sugar, which has a direct effect on the nervous system," says Greene.
Greene also advises that drinking juice on its own (without food or other liquid) will cause a rapid rise and fall in blood sugar. The fast fluctuation in blood sugar will likely promote a headache.
If you want to enjoy a juice without all the sugar, try switching to cold-pressed juices made with mostly vegetables, which tend to be higher in fiber and lower in sugar than fruits. Just make sure that there are no added sugars. The only ingredients should be fruits and vegetables with no fillers or preservatives.

Not having your coffee in the morning may come with downsides. Plus, if you're used to the morning caffeine, you may need it to function through the rest of the day. However, there's also a downside when drinking too much coffee.
"A single cup of coffee may actually be helpful for a headache, but more than one more two cups could be a recipe for a major headache," says Greene.
According to Greene, caffeine narrows blood vessels. As caffeine leaves the body it will cause blood vessels to expand. Then, the increasing pressure from blood flow can cause what is known as a "caffeine withdrawal headache." If you're interested in cutting back on java, check out I Finally Decided to Give Up Coffee. Here's What Happened.