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The #1 Best Oil to Cook with While Watching Your Cholesterol

Why olive oil is this nutritionist’s go-to cooking oil, and why you should make it yours.

6 Fast-Food Orders To Avoid for High Blood Sugar

Those with high blood sugar may want to choose something else at their favorite fast-food spots.

Major Effects Bananas Have on Your Health

How this popular fruit affects more than just your tastebuds.

Can Your Diet Make You More Attractive to Mosquitos?

There may be some eating habits that pull the pesky insects in.

Most Crucial Eating Habit for Hypertension

If your blood pressure is elevated, you’ll want to get more of this essential nutrient in your diet.

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Pears

There are so many benefits of eating this popular fruit!

4 Worst Drinking Habits for Dementia

To keep your brain sharp, it’s best to avoid these sips.

4 Eating Habits If You Don’t Like Vegetables

Try these sneaky tricks to getting more veggies in your diet!

One Major Effect of Eating Peanuts

You'll go nutty when you found out what this food can do for you!

5 Incredible Effects of Eating Vegetables Daily

Load up on veggies for some amazing health benefits!

5 Best Foods for Keeping Your Bones from Aging

Start your day off right with these bone-strengthening foods.

Drinking Habits To Lower High Cholesterol

If you have a family history of high cholesterol, you'll find these expert-recommended tips useful.

Side Effects Wine Has On Your Heart Health

Countless studies have examined the link between wine and heart health—and the results are mixed.

Best Frozen Foods to Decrease Inflammation

Add these frosty finds to your shopping list to tamp down systemic inflammation and reduce risk for chronic conditions.

The Best Supplement for Arthritis

While there is no cure for arthritis, some supplements are amazing for creating a more comfortable life.

#1 Best Protein Powder for Stronger Muscles

If you're looking to build strength, we've got you covered.

#1 Best Supplement If You Have Heart Disease

If you've been diagnosed with heart disease, adding this supplement to your diet may be beneficial.

The Worst Drinking Habits for Memory Loss

These beverages can increase your risk of cognitive issues.

The Best Drinking Habits For a Healthy Gut

Protect your belly by following these hydration guidelines.

Worst Thanksgiving Eating Habits To Avoid

Keep yourself from overdoing it during holiday meals by being mindful of these unhealthy habits.

Best Foods to Crush Cravings and Lose Weight

Add these craving-crushers to your grocery list to help you win at losing weight and keeping it off.

Eating Habits For Your Immune System

Support your immune health by following these expert-recommended tips.

The #1 Best Omega-3 Supplement to Take

There are multiple different types of anti-inflammatory omega-3 supplements you can take, and a dietitian recommends this one.

The Best Protein Bar to Eat, Says a Dietitian

Out of the hundreds (maybe even thousands) of protein bars out there, these are the ones you should buy.

What Happens To Your Heart By Drinking Coffee

The major perks (and concerns) of your morning brew.

We Discovered the Best Hack for Digestion

A dietitian recommends following this tip to keep your gastrointestinal tract functioning optimally.