This Is the Ideal Heart Rate Zone if You Want To Burn Fat

Discover how your heart rate zone can help melt unwanted fat.

Trainers Swear by the '4-2-1' Workout Method To Shed Fat: 'Every Week I See Progress'

Trainers and fitness pros love this numbered workout method to melt body fat and burn calories.

The 5-Minute Workout To Banish Flabby Arms

This short, spicy arm workout will help jumpstart your fitness goals.

People Swear by the '4-1-1' Workout Method to Strip Away Body Fat

Melt pesky body fat with this well-rounded approach fitness pros love.

5 Quick HIIT Workouts To Lose Your Love Handles

Melt love handles and slim down your waistline with these rapid-fire workouts.

5 Workouts That Burn the Most Fat

Melt body fat with a trainer's must-try fitness routines.

10 Best Exercises To Help You Melt Fat & Build Muscle

These exercises promote muscle growth and torch unwanted body fat.

Strength Training for Fat Loss? Here's How Heavy Your Weights Should Be

An expert reveals how heavy you should lift when your goal is fat loss.

The #1 Daily Workout for Women To Melt 'Saddlebag' Fat

Get a slim and slender lower body with this simple routine to strip away saddlebag fat.

8 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism & Burn Fat Naturally

Ramp up your body’s natural engine and melt extra pounds with these expert-recommended tips.