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The 10-Minute Fat-melting Workout To Do for Results, Trainer Says

Get ready for the best fat-melting workout you didn't see coming!
FACT CHECKED BY Alexa Mellardo

How does a fat-melting workout sound to you? The best part is that you can do this routine in just 10 minutes of your time. If you're looking to trim up and lose any extra weight you're carrying, you need to be consistent with the basics: eating a healthy diet filled with lots of lean protein and veggies, getting in daily steps, and performing strength training exercises. The combination of these three things will help the extra fat come off and help you to reach your fitness goal. Read on to learn more about this 10-minute fat-melting workout you can do for some pretty awesome results.

When it comes to strength training, many people get overwhelmed. Some don't know where to begin, while others may have a limited amount of time in which to work out with a busy lifestyle. The answer to this dilemma is simple: You need to be efficient with your time when it comes to your workouts, which means choosing the best exercises to help achieve the best results.

You're in luck today, because with this time-efficient exercise plan, you don't need to spend hours on a workout. Plus, this routine doesn't require any fancy equipment. Whether you're a beginner or simply strapped for time, you can easily start with resistance bands and dumbbells.

Below is a sample workout that you can do in a short amount of time. Set a timer for just 10 minutes, and perform as many sets of the exercises mapped out below. Get ready for the best fat-melting workout you didn't see coming! And next up, don't miss The 6 Best Exercises for Strong and Toned Arms in 2022, Trainer Says.

Band Squat to Row

band squat to row exercise
Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

Start the Band Squat to Row by wrapping a resistance band around a sturdy beam or pole. Take a few steps back to get some tension on the band. Keeping your chest tall and core tight, push your hips back, and squat down until your hips are at least parallel to the ground. Come back up by driving through your heels and hips. While you're coming back up, perform a row by pulling the band back with your elbows, as you squeeze your shoulder blades together. Straighten your arms fully before performing another rep. Complete as many sets as you can of 15 reps. If you have extra time, go for the gold, and push yourself!

Related: Get Rid of a Pot Belly in Your 50s With This 10-Minute Workout, Trainer Says

Feet Elevated Dumbbell Pushups

elevated pushup fat-melting workout
Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

To begin these pushups, place the pair of dumbbells in front of you while positioning your feet on top of a stable surface. Keeping your core tight, hips high, and chest tall, use your control to lower your body, coming down until your chest is an inch or two above the ground. Then, push yourself back up, flexing your upper pecs and triceps to finish. Perform as many sets of 10 to 15 reps.

Related: The #1 Bodyweight Workout To Shrink Your Waistline After 40

Reverse Lunge + Press

reverse lunge press fat-melting workout
Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

Begin your Reverse Lunge + Press by holding a pair of dumbbells in front of your shoulders. Keeping your chest tall and core tight, step back with one leg until your knee touches the ground. When you're at the bottom of the movement, press the weights up, then lower them back down before stepping back to the starting position. Perform 6 reps on one leg before switching sides.

Flutter Kicks

flutter kicks fat-melting workout
Tim Liu, C.S.C.S.

Lay flat on your back to start your Flutter Kicks with your feet at least 6 inches off the ground. Press your hands into the ground and curl your body up with your ribs pulled down. With your core tight, begin kicking your legs up and down as if you're swimming. Maintain tension in your abs the entire time of the movement. Complete as many sets of 30 reps on each leg.

Tim Liu, C.S.C.S., CSCS
Tim Liu, CSCS, is an online fitness and nutrition coach based in Los Angeles Read more about Tim