5 Workouts Women Should Do Every Week To Stay Fit

Skyrocket your fitness with these quick and simple routines.

10 Best Compound Exercises for Women To Get Lean

Sculpt a toned and defined physique with these trainer-approved compound exercises.

5 Best At-Home Strength Workouts for Women To Lose Weight

These strength workouts help you achieve successful weight loss without the gym.

The Best 30-Day At-Home Workout for Women To Lose Weight

Speed up the fat burn at home with a trainer's 30-day routine.

5 Best Kettlebell Workouts for Women To Shrink Belly Fat

Shed belly flab and boost your strength with a pro's must-try workouts.

The #1 Daily Workout for Women To Melt 'Saddlebag' Fat

Get a slim and slender lower body with this simple routine to strip away saddlebag fat.

9 Best Strength Exercises for Women To Lose 'Saddlebag' Fat

Melt your saddlebags and achieve a lower-body sculpt with these strength exercises.

5 Best Strength Workouts for Women To Get Toned Legs

Try these simple workouts to transform your thighs, calves, and booty!

9 Best Low-Intensity Exercises for Women To Lose Weight

Do these gentle movements, and shed pounds with ease.

The #1 Lower-Belly Strength Workout for Women To Stay Lean

Get your lower-belly into tip-top shape with a trainer's go-to workout routine.