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The #1 Best Food to Give You Energy, Says Dietitian

This food will provide you with fruitful benefits.
FACT CHECKED BY Kiersten Hickman

Whether it be getting through Monday morning pr making it to 5 p.m. on Friday, staying energized is important in helping your body function. The energy supply allows your body to do a number of things important to its survival, including continuing the body's essential functions and helping physical activity and movement.

Although an important task, there are days when you'll feel sluggish as if your body isn't mustering up enough energy. There are ways to help gain back energy, such as supplements and exercise. Particular foods and drinks can also play an important role in making sure you have enough motivation throughout your day. According to Molly Hembree, MS, RD, LD, a retail dietitian coordinator for Kroger, and a member of our Medical Expert Board, the best food to give you energy is fruit.

Fruits contain carbohydrates– a type of macronutrient found in certain foods and drinks including fiber, starches, and sugars. As stated by the Cleveland Clinic, carbohydrates are essential food nutrients that your digestive system breaks down into glucose to give you the energy to function. Your bloodstream absorbs glucose and uses it as energy to fuel your body.

"Carbohydrates are the body's preferred source of fuel from the diet," says Hembree. "Sugar, a type of carbohydrate, specifically deliver quick energy to our cells. Rather than turning to sweets or candies, harness the power of sugar from fruit."

Hembree suggests that one terrific fruit for an energy pick-me-up is a medium-sized apple. Apples are also easy for those on the go and looking for quick food.

Apples are full of benefits, making them a great fruit to incorporate into your eating habits. It's great for your gut, aiding in weight loss, helping with inflammation, and boosting your immunity.

eating apple

According to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, one serving (equivalent to a medium apple) contains about 95 calories. It also contains zero grams of fat, 1 gram of protein, 25 grams of carbohydrate, 19 grams of naturally-occurring sugar, and 3 grams of fiber. Apples are a great source of both soluble and insoluble fiber—a fiber that dissolves in water in the body and fiber that doesn't dissolve in water. They also contain a ton of vitamin C, a helpful part in controlling infections and healing wounds, as well as a powerful antioxidant that can neutralize harmful free radicals.

The reason that apples provide you with a boost of energy once consumed is because of the large amount of sugar a medium-sized one contains. Apples contain a natural type of simple sugar called fructose. Fructose acts as a direct energy source for your body. The sugars and lots of fiber in the apple can help balance your blood sugar and give you sustained energy without blood sugar crashes.

Kayla Garritano
Kayla Garritano graduated from Hofstra University, where she majored in Journalism and double minored in Marketing and Creative Writing. Read more about Kayla